Creating sustainable livelihoods through crafts
What is EkiBeki?
Eki [lang. marathi, \EY-ki\]: odd / unique / oneness / unity
Beki [lang. marathi, \BEY-ki\]: even / common / duality / diversity
EkiBeki is oneness of interests, sentiments, pursuits among different groups or entities. True to our name, we bring balance with traditional crafts , contemporary products – things that are usually perceived to be at odds with each other.
EkiBeki is a Not for profit focused on identification of dying crafts and undertaking initiatives for their development and sustenance.
What we do
Artisans engaged in traditional Indian crafts are struggling to survive due to absence of ready market. Many move to other occupations or migrate to cities where they lack dignity and are detached from their families and their society. On the other hand, consumers are denied the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of these traditional crafts…